
O Yoga e a Dança oferecem uma forma de explorar a autoconsciência. As aulas de Yoga Dance são dinâmicas e diversas, com momentos de introspecção, expressão, meditação em movimento, relaxamento e meditação; com o objetivo de descobrir qual é sua própria dança. A música tem um papel fundamental. Ela é a vibração que ressona em cada chakra (centros energéticos) despertando a dança como um processo que nasce de dentro para fora.

Durante a prática, são explorados os mais variados ritmos: músicas indianas, brasileiras, latinas, árabes, africanas, trance dentre outras. Através dos movimentos, expandimos e removemos zonas de conflito ou tensões que possam estar nos impedindo de experimentar alegria e liberdade em nossas vidas. Assim, o prana (energia vital) flui livremente pelo corpo e mente.


What is Yoga Dance

Yoga – Union, to unify,  the state of unified consciousness

Dance – continuous movement, formless form, be voluble

Yoga Dance is a inner practice that combines the tools of Yoga, dance and other philosophies/ arts to awaken the true potential that lies within us so we are able to find balance in  all aspects of ourselves:

Physical • Mental • Emotional • Spiritual

Yoga is an ancient philosophy that leads us to the state of Union or integration with ourselves and everything around us. In the Yoga point of view, there is no separation between body, mind and spirit. Through some tools such as pranayama (breathing), asana (physical postures), meditation and others we can experience presence from moment to moment. The practice of yoga leads us to bring ou attention from the outside to inside ourselves, connecting with the present moment and discover more about the unlimited nature of our own being.

Thus, Yoga leads to self realization as we bacame more skilled to deal with our own life living one day at a time with more awareness, tranquility and balance. The practice does not make us something we are not, but reveals our true nature that is often hidden by the confusion and distortion of our mind.

Dance is an ancient art and expression of humanity from its beginnings. When we dance, we are not just doing something physical, but moving all the history and emotions stored in our cells. We’re bringing all this content to surface through the body movements.
