
Olá eu Sou Fernanda Cunha, yogini apaixonada por dança, criadora da prática de Yoga Dance. Minha paixão é inspirar pessoas a despertar para todo o seu potencial criativo inato. Penso na jornada do autoconhecimento como o polir de um espelho: é preciso remover a poeira para que possamos nos enxergar melhor. A prática do yoga nos permite limpar a mente e o corpo das ideias limitadas para perceber nossa verdadeira natureza. Assim nos fortalecemos internamente criando condições para cultivarmos um relacionamento mais consciente, amoroso, paciente, alegre e leve com a própria vida.



I am Fernanda Cunha, yogini and soul dancer, founder of the Yoga Dance. I am passionate to inspire people to wake up to all innate creative potential that is available inside of every and each one of us. I think about the journey of self-knowledge as the polishing of a mirror: it is necessary to remove the dust it can reflect a clearer image. The practice of yoga allows us to clear the mind and body of the limited ideas to realize our true nature. So then we strengthen ourselves from with in by creating conditions to cultivate a more conscious, loving, patient, cheerful relationship with life.

Life is a precious opportunity to evolve. Our greatest mission is to be happy while we learn and evolve in its continuous flow of movement. The consciousness that Yoga provides help us deal wisely with the cosmic dance that is life itself. Come join this inner revolution and strengthen from the inside out finding reasons to celebrate life every day. When we choose to be happy and celebrate all that we are offered, we make room for the vital energy (prana) to flow within us and we become magnetic, attracting what we need. Our vibration rises. We are what we vibrate.
